
Was it yesterday... nope but it seems like yesterday when i met my fellow beloved 5b dudettes!!!!! Lea! Aisyah! Joanna! Sri! Hui Zhen! Lea brought her video cam cum camera and took all the hilarious antics and wore a diff dress code heheh but she is still sophisticated , Aisyah has pythons on arms, she must be working out! Joanna is still sweet and bubbly like.. Joanna! Sri is weird in a groovy way! but she left early with joanna. so i didnt get to spent much with them.what a pity.. Hui zhen brought her masterpieces, which is made up of coil, its very artistic and unique!
We had fun but i joined them in the evening since i have to attend the field trip. what a pity, but we had an amazing evening!!!!! esp the chilli chopping part..hehe

As for today, i basically did nothing useful. logged into you tube and check out some videos. and as i was chatting with sri, she gave me a link to watch a k-pop video and it was just heart-breaking, love can do wonders, i was grabbed by the fact that he is so selfless and would sacrifice one of his most important senses just because he have a place for her in his heart. all of u ladies and gentleman should watch it for yourself.

i guess thats it for now. will be watching johnny at 6.30 and i'll be looking forward to seeing his new movie. arrr'

posted @ 5:32 PM

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